The Tree in danger of being Felling!

Below Left: 1998 Daily Mail piece. Below Right: A further 1999 summary & report.


So by the end of 1998/early 1999 it was clear that something had to be done and quickly!

Joy for some - Sorrow for many more For those who resent The Tree and hold it in some way responsible for the death of Marc Bolan this might not be bad news. However, for the very many people who care about The Tree this was devastating news. Especially people from overseas who have never been able to visit the site, but who hope to be able to "One Day".

Fee's first thoughts: As stated in the article above right, there were urgent internet discussions and one key figure in them was Fee. Her response to the "if you know of a tree surgeon" plea was to talk husband Kevin, a qualified nurseryman into visiting the site for the first time to see if it was possible to raise cuttings so that if the Tree had to be felled it could be replaced with a 'clone' of itself.


In March 1999 Kevin, Fee and Ellie Warner travelled from The Midlands to take cuttings of The Bolan Tree. A month later, on Saint George's Day (23rd April) 1999, Kev & Fee were invited to attend the Launch of a New Record Collection by Sir George Martin (The Beatles Producer) at Canada House in London. Before the Launch, Kev & Fee accompanied by Kev's brother Sean and their friend Mark Rowe visited the site. Mark was there as his first 'on site' look at The Site because just Nine Months later Mark and Kev would Build The Steps Kev had commented were needed at The Tree Site. The following two pages contain the photo galleries from these two visits.

What happened at those two visits (March and April 1999) led to the formation of TAG

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