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27th SEPTEMBER 2024




Metal Tins, 500 piece JigSaw Puzzles, Wrapping Paper, and More! TAGTM CIC has been using Contrado for quite a while.
Our Facemasks were made by Contrado

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Jackets, Trousers, Boots, Shoes, Dresses, Baby Clothes, Tote Bags, Handbags, Clocks, Bedding, Other Homewears.
TAGTM CIC has been using ArtsAdd for quite a while. Our Tote Bags on sale on eBay are supplied to us by ArtsAdd.


TAGTM CIC's Marc Bolan & T-Rex website, created, designed & updated by TAGTMCIC: Leaseholders of Marc's Rock Shrine in Barnes, London since 1999.
Our website has an Illustrated Biography; Photo Galleries; Article scans and PDF's, and so much more.

Contact us
PO BOX 5278,
BN52 9QP,


Please note that TAGTMCIC reserves the right to use any photographs/videos or other pieces of Media sent to us in good faith, which depict Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine. We state this as legal guardians of said property. Should you wish to have exclusive use of any photos of Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine please contact the TAGTMCIC Chairman and negotiate a suitable donation to TAGTMCIC Funds for Site Care & Maintenance, to allow you to claim exclusivity.


Anyone who wishes to use the Tree site for ANY COMMERCIAL VENTURE, Please read our MEDIA TERMS AND CONDITIONS, which does include paying TAGTMCIC a Fee based on useage as per our Media Page Listing.


Although TAGTMCIC was founded in 1999 by current Secretary Mrs. Fee Warner BSc Honours (First Class) she had been visiting 'The Bolan Tree' since the 24th September, 1977 and had visited regularly since then tidying and checking on the tree's condition, as much as she was able given that it was always decorated and given that she is not a 'tree expert'.
In 1995 'The Bolan Tree' site was visited for an article in a Glossy Monthly Magazine, which truthfully described the site as "More like a shit-hole than a shrine" because of the litter & general air of neglect at the site.
In 1998 - the press reported that the 'Bolan Tree', was in danger of being felled and a further report in early 1999 gave the Bolan Tree "less than three years" before it would have to be felled!. As a result, the T-Rex Action Group (TAG) was formed within weeks of this report. The word 'ACTION' was crucial because many people had 'talked' of 'doing something' for many years, but nothing had actually ever been done!


Once TAG was formed and they had proved to various Authorities and official bodies including the land owners; Railtrack that TAG was able to work to the high standards expected for a responsibility of this nature TAGTM was offered an in perpetuity lease on the site. The accompanying literature gave TAG Full ownership & Responsibility for the 'Bolan Tree' itself.
The lease is made out to TAG not to Fee Warner or any individual.
This was at the specific wish of Fee Warner and is crucial for the long-term care of Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine.
As long as TAG exists, the lease will continue.
This allows the site to be cared for over generations.
This would not have been the case had the lease been made out to an individual.


1999 - FUND RAISING   Although undertaking PhD research Fee Warner spent most of 1999 (from TAG's formation) designing, making and selling items such as T-Shirts, Bookmarcs and Badges to help pay for the project. She was helped by husband Kevin Warner and by both their children Rohan Marc (then aged eighteen) and Oscar (aged just Nine to Ten years old in 1999). Donations for the project came from many fans abroad.

1999 AUCTION: In addition to producing items directly for sale some were specifically designed, and produced for an auction. Sadly, this was in the days before eBay had 'caught on' so only those in the room were generally able to bid which resulted in lower than hoped for prices. In September 1999, TAGTM held the auction of items including prints produced by TAG and signed by photographer Peter Sanders and artist George Underwood. Many tanx to Jim Ryder for arranging for them to be signed, although disappointingly many sold for around £10.00 each as the UK fans present were hoping for bargains and several people even tried to haggle over the price of set price items such as T-Shirts :-(

KEY AUCTION SALE ITEMS:Two sets of framed contact prints, negatives and enlargements were prepared, paid for by Fee Warner and donated to the auction to raise funds. These sold for over £300.00. The negatives were previously unpublished and were sold with copyright, having been gifted to Fee on one of her many visits to Marc Bolan's parents in 1977/78. Marc's mum disliked 'The Tree' wrongly blaming it for his death, however Marc's older brother Harry gave his approval for the project. Family approval was something, which Fee felt, was essential for this work to happen. The donation of these photographs was her way of returning to Marc something given to her by his mother Phyllis. Fee turned down the offer of Marc's clothing suggesting to Phyllis that she saved it for when Rolan was older. In that respect, Marc's mum was far too generous. Some years later one fan and her husband, who were gifted a jacket AND another item of clothing (as they weren't married at the time) refused to allow one of those items to be displayed behind glass and fully insured in a Museum so that all visitors to the museum would have been able to see it.

2000 - TAG LAID THE STEPS: from the PRS Memorial to the 'Bolan Tree' with a viewing platform around the tree so visitors do not risk injury by standing on the pavement less & narrow road by the tree. TAG has also erected a notice board for messages & crucially saved the 'Bolan Tree' from felling. All this was achieved within four months of TAG receiving the Lease, although work to fund raise and deal with the 'red tape' meant that the key members of TAG had been working for TAG for a full year by the time the Tree was successfully saved in April, 2000.

2002 - 25th ANNIVERSARY - BRONZE BUST: Rolan Bolan unveiled a Bronze Bust of his father at the site to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Bolan's death. This Bronze was paid for personally by Fee Warner.

2005: FIVE MEMORIAL PLAQUES  TAG once again sold fund raisers to raise the money needed to install plaques for the four members of T-Rex who like Marc, have passed over. They are: Steve Peregrin Took; Steve Currie; Mickey Finn & Dino Dines & a Memorial Plaque for June Bolan (nee Child) in recognition for her part in Marc's success.

2007 - 30th ANNIVERSARY: TAG organised a Very Special & indeed Unique Event for its Members This was the First Ever Marc Bolan Celebration inside the Sacred Stone Circle of Stonehenge. This was part of a Marc's Mystical Roots trip where Members retraced the steps of Marc and the late John Peel to the top of Glastonbury Tor, before dining in a private room at the George and Pilgrims Inn (the oldest Inn in the South West of England dating back to the 15th Century) before heading for the Exclusive, Private booking of Stonehenge where Members were entertained by Paul (T-Rex) Fenton and Rob Benson of T-Rex - A Celebration of Marc and Mickey. A Druid Ceremony (Wear a Tall Hat like the Druids) was performed by Stonehenge Arch Druid Rollo Maughfling and Hon. Glastonbury Order of Druids Arch Druidess Victoria Marsden.

2009 - THE LAUNCH OF THE MARC BOLAN ROSE FUND: The project to have a unique & new variety of Rose named after Marc was launched by TAG. This is an ongoing project and it is hoped that the balance of the money needed to initiate the growing of the rose will be achieved by the end of 2012. How long it takes before the rose is on sale will depend on how quickly the rose crosses can be done to achieve the most pleasing result.

18th September 2009:  To Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the formation of TAG as well as the 32nd Anniversary of Marc's Passing MF's T-Rex performed as part of a Benefit Celebration in the heart of London, at the 100 Club on Friday 18th September 2009.

2010:  Once again TAG continued to ensure the site was a suitable tribute to Marc Bolan and his band T-Rex with routine maintenance including topping up the bark chippings in the steps, replacing several of the railway sleepers which make up the steps and repainting the steps and notice board, because to main the site as though 'nothing has been done' requires work!

2011 KEEPING THE BOLAN TREE SAFE:  Pollarding the Tree which was undertaken in March, 2011 by Bob Knoakes and his team from OTS Kent. Visit our Photo Galleries for Full Information with Photos and Videos.

2011 BULB PLANTING:  In late 2011 TAG will be planting a range of bulbs at the site on either side of the steps. Bulbs were planted in 1998 and TAG members Fee and Oscar Warner were two of the key people who undertook that work. However, the ground was not prepared and the bulbs were not planted correctly so that many did not achieve their potential. For this reason, the 2011 bulb planting will be accompanied by the preparation of proper 'bulb beds' because one perennial problem associated with the site is the fast drainage of the site due to the slope of the embankment. Therefore, moisture-retaining additives to the soil will be used to help with this problem.

2012:  We have planted the bulbs* and are delighted to say that the Marc Bolan Rose is now a reality for Marc's 35th Anniversary/Marc's 65th Birthday.

2013 The Marc Bolan Rose is now REAL and is on sale - exclusively from TAG for the UK and Europe. In Addition, the shrine featured in the BBC4 Series "PAGANS & PILGRIMS: BRITAINS HOLIEST PLACES". In addition to featuring in Episode four (of six) Marc's shrine featured in the opening sequence each week throughout the entire six week shedule.

2014  2014 saw the willful and purposeful murder of the Bolan Tree with poison by person(s) unknown.
* Unfortunately, two 'fans' visited the shrine several years later and 'tidied' the area on either side of the steps. They dug out a thick layer of soil, removing the majority of the bulbs TAGTM planted in 2012.
The Official Marc Bolan Rose
On a very positive note, the first batch of almost two hundred Marc Bolan Rose Bushes
were available to fans and they completely Sold Out! These were only available 'bare rooted' which isn't ideal for those without any green fingers.

2015 - THE BOLAN TREE The Key priority during the first part of 2015 was to make the site safe for visitors, passing motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. The Bolan Tree was felled and a capping barrel was placed over the base of the Bolan Tree. On the 15th May 2015 T.Rex Action Group / TAG and the Logo were registered as Trademarks.

2016 to 2020:  Although the Bolan Tree was felled in 2015 Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine is so much more than the Tree. From the PRS Memorial unveiled in 1997, to the Memory Board and Steps added in 2000, through the Bronze Bust unveiled by Rolan Bolan in 2002 the site is Special and a place of pilgrimage to thousands of people from all over the world all-year-round.

2021:  VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE: Saturday the 13th and Sunday 14th February 2021 saw the wholescale deversation of this "Very Special Corner"* of Barnes Common Conservation Area by Network Rail contractors. TAG was NOT notified. The local residents were notified that there would be "cutting back overgrown vegetation that is obstructing the highway and felling dead, dying or diseased trees". Richmond Council permitted a road closure of Queen's Ride for that weekend for this work. The filming done by TAG shows that there was a clear need to remove the saplings which were growing on the narrow piece of land between the 'Armco crash barrier' and Queen's Ride. There is no dispute that this vegetation did need removing, as did the dead trees, However, no one knew what would be done and because it happened over a weekend it was impossible for anyone to contact Richmond Council's appropriate department to get one of their experts to visit and limit the damage. By the time Richmond Council's offices opened again on Monday 15th February 2021 it was too late.
* Quoted in Richmond Council's own 'Cconservation Area Study - Barnes Common No. 32 and Mill Hill No. 14' pdf.
The Valentine's Day Massacre spured TAG on to apply to become a Community Interest Company (CIC)
On the 21st December 2021 TAG was Officially Granted CIC Status
This wonderfully happened on the Winter Solstice 2021. A Good Omen for the start of a New Year which happens after the three days of 'Solstice' which means 'Sun Stands Still' On the following day in Pagan Tradition the Sun begins to move again and is therefore 'Re-Born' and the Circle of the Year Begins afresh with the Newborn Sun.
What does becoming a Community Interest Company mean for TAG?
It means that TAG has the appropriate Not-For-Profit aims to be a CIC, which is effectively just a small step away from being what larger organisations can become - a fully Registered Charity and indeed you may have already noticed that TAG is listed on eBay as a Charity. Now that TAG is Officially and Legally registered as a CIC, we can apply for funding from various organisations so that we can make Marc's Shrine a more Fitting Tribute to Marc Bolan and his band T.Rex as TAG 'Rev-Up' forwards Marc's 45th Anniversary on the 16th of September 2022 and his 50th Anniversary in 2027. This will include TAG's new key projects.One is to have electricity collected and having a CCTV system installed which will live-stream Marc's Shrine around the Globe 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all the fans who cannot visit the site or cannot visit as open as they'd like to.
Part two on our agenda is that because Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine is within the London Borough of Richmond-Upon-Thames' Barnes Common Conservation Area' and has been since 2002, when TAG applied for planning permission to install the Bronze Bust unveiled by Rolan Bolan at the shrine, we have a duty of care to manage the site carefully for the benefit of all - Marc Bolan and T.Rex Fans, Local Residents, the wider community of Richmond-Upon Thames, and the Worldwide fans who are now, more than ever discovering Marc Bolan through his band T.Rex's induction into the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame in America.
Therefore, TAG will establish and implement an appropriate management system as recommended in the Richmond Council 'biodiversity action plan'. This project will require a mains water supply to be installed so that when we start our planting programme of appropriate trees and shrubs, they will have a far better chance of thriving, because buying saplings and shrubs or a substantial size are expensive investments. Increasing the biodiversity of the Flora, will create new enriched habitats for Native Fauna species to increase in number, something which is essential as we all see a decline in our Birds, Insects and Small Mammals.
As well as the profits from our fund-raising merchandise, and periodic donations from fans our newly gained 'Community Interest Company' status will mean we can apply for funding from appropriate bodies and organisations including The Arts Council, The Lottery Fund and locally based bodies and organisation.
TAG has some other ideas 'in the pipeline' which we'll let you know about when the time is right.

2022 and Onwards:  2022 sees TAGTMCIC Celebrate our 23rd Anniversary.
On the 16th September 2022 it will be the 45th Anniversary of Marc Bolan's Spirit acending at the site.
TAGTM CIC has already raised some money to have a custom-made hand rail manufactured and fitted to one side of the steps to make the site safer for all visitors, especially the 'originals' who are, like Fee around or over 60-years-of-age now! Due to Covid-19 this will be installed in as soon as the local residents have given their approval of the design and goverment regulations allow in 2022.

TAGTMCIC will, continue to care for the site now Officially Recognised by the English Tourist Board as 'Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine' & now as One of Britain's Holiest Shrines to keep it a fitting tribute. TAGTMCIC will also add further Memorial Plaques, though we hope not for a long time!


Regularly updated, massive site with lots of information on all things Marc Bolan & T.Rex related. Free Illustrated Biography, Chart Positions, In the Free-to-all Marc Bolan and T.Rex website Site you'll find articles, interviews, Photos, Pictures & Images in the Gallery Section, song books with lyrics, music & tabs, video/film footage (wmv & Div X mpegs), plus Music & Interview files as mp3's. Marc's Poetry Book "Warlock of Love" Transcripts. Scans of Marc Bolan Poetry, Newspaper Articles & News Clippings, Original 1970's Magazine Features & 'Specials' including "Disco 45 Magazine", "Jackie", "Mirabelle", Birth Certificates, Letters & other Documents. In All over 10 Gig of Bolantastic Info!Plus Screensavers & Desktops to download.

This site aims to cover the whole period of Marc's career, from his earliest musical out-put, and into the fabulous time when Marc really got going when he & Steve Took formed Tyrannosaurus Rex in 1967, until his death on September 16th 1977 aged 29 years & fifty weeks when the Mini 1275 GT driven by his girlfriend Gloria Jones hit a sycamore tree & so many lives were changed by his death. Plus news of what's happening now including details of the first ever T-Rex Convention at the Cavern Club, Liverpool.

TAGTMCIC's Site also includes Reviews & information on new & recent releases including the book 'Beneath the Wizard's Gown' by Tony Stringfellow, 'Inside T-Rex' Double DVD & Book, 'Children of the Revolution' double CD with music choices by Dr. Roberts, the Double DVD release of Marc Bolan & Ringo Starr's film 'Born to Boogie' featuring Catweazel (Cat Weazel), produced by Tony Visconti. Includes info on how to find the Easter Eggs, while the RIP Section includes details on people associated with Marc Bolan including Band Members plus Chelita Secunda (Chelita Salvatori), Photographer Keith Morris, Tony Secunda, Tony Howard, Alphi O'Leary, to name a few.

There is information on the T.Rex Action Group ( TAGTMCIC) including the members, the lease on the site, TAGTMCIC's project to care for the site, save the tree & the Bronze Bust unveiled by Rolan Bolan in 2002. The original wooden sculpture from which the Bronze Bust was cast was created by the talented artist, Jean Robillard of Quebec, Canada. Also now with Information, Photo Galleries & Video of the Memorial Plaques for Steve Took, Steve Currie, June Bolan (June Child), Mickey Finn & Dino Dines installed in 2005. Guests included June's daughter Ilona Porter, Paul Fenton & Mickey Finn's girlfriend Heidi. The Site also includes details & video clip of the Channel Four programme 'Who got Marc Bolan's Millions' & the BBC "Rock Shrines" Programme. Marc's Rock Shrine Now Officially Recognised by The English Tourist Board (EnjoyEngland/Discover England) in their Guide "England Rocks". Now also featured in the BBC4 Series 'Pagans and Pilgrims : Britain's Holiest Places'.

Finally, there is a ' TAGTMCIC Shop on eBay'where you can buy Marc Bolan & T-Rex Fund Raising Memorobilia. This includes a Guide Book to over 60 places of 'Bolan Interest' in London which is a Must Have. In September each year we list our own T-Rexmas (Christmas) Cards, and our sell-out Calendars are always sought after. We also sell Greetings Cards, TAGTMCIC DVD's and CD's including our Double DVD Covering the Essential Events of Marc's 25th Anniversary including The Bronze Bust Unveiling (of course), The Proud Gallery Exhibition opening 'Party', Mickey Finn's T-Rex play live in front of over 2,000 people at Pennington's Nightclub with very speciual guests Rolan Bolan, Graham Oliver (Saxon) & Judge Trev (Steve Took's Horns). The second DVD contains interviews including ones with the late Mickey Finn (his last video interview) & the late Keith Morris. We also list other things as appropriate.

Key words you'll find on the site include: - Marc Bolan (real name Mark Feld), (sometimes mis-spelt as Bowland, Boland or Bowlan), T.Rex, T-Rex, T Rex, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Rolan, (sometimes mispelt Rowland, Roland, or Rowlan), Bolan Tree, Marc's Rock Shrine, Barnes, on the edge of Barnes Common, (near Putney & Richmond), London where Marc Bolan died in the Mini 1275 GT driven by girlfriend Gloria Jones. The tree was between Queen's Ride & Gipsy Lane, (Gypsy Lane is used in some articles, but this is incorrect), both spellings of Mickey Finn, (Micky Finn), Steve Peregrin Took (the correct spelling as opposed to Steve Peregrine Took), TAGTMCIC, T-Rex Action Group, Illustrated Biography, Members Site, Born to Boogie, Marc Bolan School of Music and Film, Gloria Jones, ... to name but a few. This is our Official Site.

Copyright © 1997 to 2024 T-REX ACTION GROUPTM CIC. All Rights Reserved
ALL Photographs of Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine, Gipsy Lane/Queen's Ride, Barnes, London are copyright TAGTMCIC (Kevin and Fee Warner) unless otherwise stated.
For use and/or distribution, please contact TAGTMCIC for written permission.

OTHER IMAGES DISCLAIMER: All photographs of Marc Bolan used on this site remain the property of their respective owners, if applicable. We thank the late and still missed Keith Morris for his permission for the use of of his photographs on our Web Site. All animated images created by Fee Warner. All photos (other than Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine Photos) from outside sources are intended for research &/or personal use only. If you own anything (other than Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine Photos) that you feel is wrongly used on this site, please e-mail us & we will take it down or credit you.