We had 55 minutes to tidy, polish, clear up the leaves, fallen branches & twigs, sweep & get that 'Shrek' Down from the Top of Marc's Tree before a Journalist from the Daily Telegraph arrived, for an interview about 'Marc's Rock Shrine'.
We collected 2 bin liner bags full, but they were full mainly with twigs, leaves, fir cones, & what was left of fresh flowers left last September rather than 'rubbish' I'm pleased to say. Billy polished the Bronze while Kev & I were busy & also collected up the leaves to put in the bin bags too (they were held open by Barbara - Many Tanx to you too ).
To Billy it came as a complete surprise that we were going to be interviewed, by 'The Press'. He was planning on leaving about 1pm but we begged him to stay which he did.
Just as we were finishing the Daily Telegraph Journalist & his Cameraman arrived. He interviewed me & Billy too & the cameraman took shots of Billy sitting on the Armco Crash Barrier playing his guitar (which I recommended he use) & some photos of me (which I hope he doesn't use as Billy looks so much better.
In many ways Billy's views are 'more representative' because actually having the legal responsibility for the site gives us a 'different slant' so what a genuine fan like Billy thinks is important (to us & for the interview) & so it was one of those 'spooky moments' him being there at the same time as we were there. I love it when that happens :-)
Obviously I gave him all the details about where Marc's last house was & how close Marc's parents lived & how Rolan was there on that fateful night. We talked about Minis, Gloria & the accident & also of Marc's many references to dying early & the 'easy as picking foxes from a tree' thing.
If Club Members outside the UK would like an actual copy of the newspaper when it comes out (rather than the scan which will be uploaded to the Club Members Site) I will be adding Pay Pal Buttons, so I can buy copies & post the page(s) off to you in an A4 envelope (to avoid too many creases).
Laser Love
![]() | As Billy can confirm & the video shows, getting the 'Shrek' down proved to be a difficult & dangerous task. Kev tried to get it down without a ladder which proved to be impossible, so we borrowed a ladder from our neighbours 'over the road' as so to speak (Many Thanks to them). |
As we have said so many times before:
1) The Tree is right by a Busy Main Road (the video footage shows that!)
2) A large part of the lower trunk is Missing (it rotted away) & is supported by a metal calliper!
3) Climbing The Tree is Dangerous
4) Leaving them there is even more dangerous because:
a) Heavy items (like a waterlogged 'Shrek') hanging from the top put more pressure on the damaged Tree
b) These things also 'swing' in the wind - putting even more Stress on The Tree
c) In the case of 'Shrek' it was even hung over the road so if it fell or caused The Tree to fall it could Kill (as we saw in the recent high winds (January, 2007) when several people were killed when trees next to the road fell on their cars & crushed them!
Everyone agreed that to climb A Damaged Tree like The Bolan Tree, is not the act of a Fan, who would surely have more Respect for the place & The Tree??
Neither is it the act of anyone with a grasp of the Danger they are putting other people in by such acts.
Therefore TAG does Not consider this type of action to be a Tribute to Marc. In future Any Item, fixed to The Tree, which was put there by Climbing Up The Tree, will be Removed & Disposed of. We know that ALL Genuine Fans will understand our reasoning!
We all want Marc to be ''In The News'', but imagine hearing a broadcast "Marc Bolan's Tree was today responsible for the death of a (or more than one) Road User". That would be something we personally would find it very hard to Ever Get Over as TAG is Legally Responsible for Marc's Tree!
Laser Love
Kev & Fee Warner
Chairman & Secretary of TAG
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