The lovely 'Pan Statue' Club Member Dean bought especially from American for the site is now headless. Kev fixed it in place and I think someone held it by the head and tried to 'waggle' it to steal it. But as it was well fixed they only got the head :-(
Dean was, as you can imagine so upset when he heard the news. The Company in the US where Dean ordered the Pan Statue from is currently out of stock, so a replacement may not be possible in time for September :-(
Ellie, bless her also cleaned off the candle wax which was on the step by the Bronze, using a nail file she had in her bag. Unfortunately people leave candles burning when they leave which aren't in 'pots' so they have a nasty habit of making quite a mess.
Of course in dry weather conditions they can be a 'Fire Hazard' so if you are going to take candles take either tea lights of other candles in their own 'pots' so that the fire cannot spread and the wax doesn't run everywhere and 'weld' itself onto the wood of the steps and get in the grain of the steps too, as it is a fiddly and quite time consuming job to remove it. Ellie was doing the 'wax removal' while I was busy cleaning off the graffiti.
Laser Love
Fee (TAG Founder & Secretary)