Below, left and right, you can see the different bulbs we plan to plant towards the end of 2011.
Click on any image to view details about the bulbs and when they flower.
Below the thumbnails of the bulbs, you'll find a calendar running from February through to October showing when the bulbs will bloom. As you can see there are Autumn flowering crocus which should flower during the period of Marc's anniversary each year starting with his 35th Anniversary in 2012. Before that, there are Spring Flowering Bulbs which should start flowering from February onwards, although obviously this depends on the weather.
These bulbs will be planted on each side of the steps at Marc's Shrine. Several key factors will decide if these bulbs can flourish or not:-
1) WALKING ON THE SOIL RATHER THAN THE STEPS: If people use the soil to the side(s) of the steps to walk up and down between the Tree & Bronze and Gipsy Lane and the PRS Memorial rather than use the steps this will damage the bulbs under the soil. If you can't get past as someone is on the steps please wait for them to move, or ask them nicely. PLEASE KEEP TO THE STEPS.
2) MOISTURE: The soil needs to remain moist enough for the bulbs to be able to grow successfully. This is a crucial factor because the slope (embrankment) is artificial and was made to raise the road (Queen's Ride) from its original height (level with Gipsy Lane) up to its current height as it continues up and over the humpback railway bridge. Because it is articicial water drains away very quickly. This is why we allowed the Ivy to cover the soil on either side of the steps as this kept moisture in. Since it was ripped out by being "raked away" by two 'fans' several years ago it has not yet grown back. We have tried to 'train' the Ivy across this section, but people walking on the soil (see point 1) have crushed it so it has not been able to get hold. Kevin will therefore be digging over the area prior to planting the bulbs to create proper 'BULB BEDS' which will be enricked with well rotted manure and water retaining granules. Both of these will add to the cost of this project, but we hope that it will allow the bulbs to be able to grow.
3) PICKING THE FLOWERS: We hope fans and others will not pick the flowers as they die far faster once picked than they would left in situ, so please DON'T PICK THE FLOWERS. Thank You.
Photographs of the project taking place will be posted on our web site and on our Face Book Page as soon as possible after the event, along with Video Footage as soon as TAG chairman Kevin has been able to edit it.