Fee visited Marc's Shrine and met up with Maria on the Winter Solstice of 21st December, 2012 to clean and tidy and also to remove the build up of soggy wet leaves and then to re-fill the steps and viewing platform with new Bark Chippings. We also hope you enjoy this Photo Gallery with with seventy five photos. The first ones are chronological and annotated. The remainder are in random order.
One shows Fee's 'Glam Star' wellies showing the very slippy water-sodden wet leaves on the steps and viewing platform before they were removed down to a depth of around 2 - 3 inches (5 - 7.5 cm) so that fresh bark chippings could be used to completely fill the steps and make sure they are kept safe for visitors.
The wet dead leaves were not wasted as these were laid on top of the soil on either side of the steps to act as a 'mulch' to provide nutrients for the Spring Flowering Bulbs which were already starting to sprout ready to make a lovely Spring Display, provided people don't walk on the ground to get up and down the embankment if someone is already standing on the steps.