The First Photos show the visit to The Tree. Then it's on to Canada House. There are photos of the inside of the Main Reception Area (nice!) followed by Photos of Sir George Martin. There are also photos of Kev & Fee with Steve Hackett (Genesis) who signed a copy of the CD 'Selling England By The Pound' that he appears on which Kev & Fee's taken along especially :-) Also included are two shots of the photographer Peter Sanders and his wife. Peter of course took many of the wonderful Tyrannosaurus Rex photos including the no immortal shot of Marc & Steve used on their seminal Unicorn album. There are also two photos of Polly James (whom you are sure to remember as Berylfrom 'The Liver Birds')
It was 'St. George's Day', so I bought Roses in advance & took 'greenery', silver foil & pins in a bag. On the train/tube ride between The Tree & Canada House (facing Nelson's Collumn in Trafalgar Square) I assembled Red Rose 'buttonholes'. When Sir George circulated he commented on how nice it was to see that we had remembered 'St. George's Day' as we were the only ones wearing 'Red Roses'. Cool!
I would just like to say the food served by formally dressed 'black & white' waiters and waitresses who circulated with the food on silver platters was FANTASTIC. My Favourite The World's Smallest Yorkshire Puddings, cut & filled with a slice of perfectly cut & trimmed Roast Beef and just the right 'dash' of Horseradish Sauce. They were 'one mouthful'. There was also a lovely range of wines on offer too. Sir George Martin certainly knows how to entertain! :-)
The final photo is the meal we went to after our exhausting (and mostly 'standing') day at The Tree & Canada House. This wasn't so much for the food, but more for the coffee and the rest. Then of course it was time for the 125 mile trip back home to 'The Midlands'. You can see my brother-in-law Sean in his Victorian-Syle Suit, 'Wing-Collar Shirt', Cravat & Cravat-Pin & you can see that both he and Mark are still wearing their St. George's Day Red Roses!
Laser Love & Enjoy the Photos
Fee XX