| On 26th April 2005 Sanctuary Music Group hosted an invitation-only evening at the Curzon Cinema in Mayfair London to launch the Born to Boogie DVD.
The VIP Preview Screening was THE place to be!
Those on the Guest List included:- Rolan Bolan; Gloria Jones; Harry & Sandy Feld; Bill Legend; Tony Visconti; Keith Morris; George Underwood; Jeff Dexter; Geoffery Blaydon; (Catweazle); Andy Ellison; Vinny (Rolan's Guitarist) & lots of other folk to whom I apologise for forgetting to list you here!
3 Mins 51 Seconds 320 x 240 (13.8 meg) & 640 x 480 (25.8 meg) MEMBERS CLICK HERE
Keith Morris & I arrived in good time. Keith told me he is NEVER late so I'd got there well ahead of our arranged meeting time just to make sure I wasn't late! :-) Before the screening there was a drinks reception and time for a chat with other guests.
One of the first couples I spotted was Dougal and his lovely wife. Dougal owns Marc's Rocking Horse & is friends with Bill Legend. If it wasn't for Dougal it's unlikely that Bill would have agreed to be involved in the Born to Boogie DVD project. I introduced them to Keith & left them chatting while I went to the bar to get us both drinks. Keith announced he wasn't going to stay on at the Post-Screening Party so only a few people got to speak to him, which was a shame as I know Dougal enjoyed their chat & a number of other people said "Keith's Here? Where?" & I had to tell them they'd missed him!
For More info on Marc's Rocking Horse Click Here.
 The screening was a special edit of various elements of Born to Boogie, the second Wembley concert, and extracts from the new documentary. Many of the parts I'd already seen at the Press Preview back in February (Read my 'Rave' Review Here).
The difference this time was that I was sitting next to Official 'Born to Boogie' photographer Keith Morris which was a Gas!
Below are some extracts from the interview Keith gave for the 'Sunday Herald' together with some of the article published on the 24th April 2005 (i.e. two days before I met up with Keith to go to the VIP Screening & Party. His recollections added a 'personal touch' which I'll always remember :-)
... in October 1971 when Morris was hired by Bolan’s then manager, Tony Secunda, to take publicity pictures. By then, Tyrannosaurus Rex had become the electrified monster that was T Rex.
Although Morris was initially reluctant to take the job – “The music was a bit top 10 for me” – he was fascinated by Bolan as a subject. “From a photographer’s point of view he was very interesting,” he recalls. “He was totally off the wall. ”
Bolan, with his animated, expressive face, treated each session like a performance, which suited Morris. “He knew what shapes he made because he spent a lot of time looking in the mirror. So he was very self-aware and could project what I wanted and what he wanted.”
Some of these pictures have since become iconic, such as the one of Bolan sitting cross-legged, a Flying V guitar poking up like a phallus from his lap.
One in particular has specific resonance for Morris. “We were doing some shooting in a warehouse,” he recalls. “We got chatting and wandered round to the back where there was a car, a Cadillac I think.
It was parked and he just said, ‘Why don’t you take a picture of me behind the wheel? I’ve never learned to drive because I’ve always thought I’d die in a car crash.’
He jumped behind the wheel and I started shooting and, as I took one picture, he threw his head back and laughed maniacally.
Knowing what happened afterwards, it has a drama of its own.
When I look at that picture, I always think of that conversation.”
... As well as their professional relationship and their growing friendship, they were also neighbours: when Bolan and his then wife June moved into a new flat in Clarendon Gardens, Little Venice, they found that Morris was living across the canal. “We socialised a lot and I was working three or four days a week with him ,” says Morris.
“Marc’s writing was appalling and he wasn’t very gifted in normal educational terms, but he was very knowledgeable. A mass of contradictions. That’s why he was a very interesting person to be around.” Read the Whole Article Here
Mark Allen, DVD Director, introduced the film, with Tony Visconti and Rolan Bolan joining him on-stage to talk about their involvement in this unique project.
Those I spoke to afterwards were thrilled to have seen this new footage. They all said they can't wait for the DVD to come out! The main difference between the Curzon Screening & the Press Preview in February was that at the Press Preview we'd only heard the live footage through a 'normal' speaker system.
This time we were 'treated' to the 'Full Sound' Experience of DTS 96/24 high resolution audio playback.
The fans calling out seemed to come from all around!
After the screening, I discovered there were two types of tickets. White & Black.
Those with 'White Tickets' were told to return to the Bar Area, before heading off for the Post-Screening Party & Celebration of Marc Bolan & T-Rex & their music, while 'Black Ticket Holders' remained in the cinema where they got to say "Hi" to Rolan, Tony V & Geoff Blaydon as they signed autographs & posed for a picture or two. Their night was rounded off with a gift of a 'goody bag' with a poster, badges, Postcards, balloons & a curiously a DVD of the Beatles.
'White Ticket Holders' stayed in the Curzon Cinema Bar for a drink until after the a car arrived to take Rolan; Gloria; Harry & Sandy Feld on to the Club. It was then that I was able to catch up with Harry & Sandy for a chat.
It was nice to see Harry & Sandy again. The last time I saw them was at their home when Harry very kindly agreed to be interviewed for the 25th Anniversary Double DVD. Afterwards, I walked with Jorg ('Rexpert') & a few others to the club for the party.
We descended into the Embassy Club on Old Burlington Street, and the Party was in full swing. Members - View the Video. We were greeted with fabulous Hot Love and Jeepster cocktails. :-)
Picking up one of these yummy cocktails I mingled around the place chatting to people. Several said "I know you! You're on the 'Inside T-Rex' DVD". I met lots of people I've either heard of, or have communicated with electronically.
It was great to meet Jeff Dexter again (Left: A glimpse of Jeff with Harry Feld). The last time I'd met him was at 'Philthy McNasties' where Underground 'Giant' Mick Farren was giving reading of his book 'Give the Anarchist a Cigarette' accompanied on guitar for his musical poems by Larry (Steve Took's Shagrat/Pink Fairies/Motorhead Founder) Wallis to a pretty exclusive invited audience. Kev & I were invited because we know Mick, & Lazza's a chum whose Pink Fairies Web Site I 'Web Mistress'.
Jeff and I had a great chat about things Bolan & Took & much else besides. Cheers Jeff! If you do read this - "Sorry for forgetting to take a proper pic of you! Next time, eh?"
A couple of fabulous touches were the string quartet reprised the orchestral section from the Garden Party sequence of Born to Boogie, while waiters served up tiny little hamburgers on silver platters - But were they from 'Fortnums'? I forgot to ask! Television monitors played T.Rex Live at Wembley and the club was wonderfully decorated with T-Rex balloons, coasters and posters. There were tubs of B2B promo badges on the bar too!
The String Quartet - Eclipse Strings were young, but already have an impressive C.V., having backed 'McFly' on a number of occasions including Comic Relief & Top of the Pops *. They've also worked with artists including Alison Moyet; Westlife & Will Young. They are all Guildhall School of Music & Drama & the Royal College of Music graduates & they will be appearing at the Albert Hall *, London on the 6th June 2005. Eclipse Strings own Web Site. They are members of Young Guns UK.
* Of course it's impossible to think of Top of the Pops without thinking of Marc & T-Rex and for me, The Albert Hall will always conjour thoughts of Bolan & Took producing the wonderfully captivating intricacies of Tyrannosaurus Rex :-)
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 During the party, Bill Legend, Tony Visconti and Rolan Bolan were presented with framed discs of the DVD in recognition of their contributions to this project.
Having just watched the 'Special Edit' and having particularly enjoyed the 8 mm 'home movie' footage because of it's natural, unrehearsed and spontaneous nature I was saddened that representatives from Mickey Finn's and Steve Currie's family were not there to receive framed presentations for Mickey and Steve's contributions to the film footage used both for Born to Boogie and for the rest of the DVD set. :-(
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I was delighted to finally meet Kiyohiro from Japan. He & I originally came into contact with each other when he was working for 'Captain Trip Records' when they released Larry Wallis' recordings of 'Steve Took's Shagrat' on CD as 'Lone Star'.
Kiyohiro asked me excitedly about the 'snippet' of early Tyrannosaurus Rex footage shown in the Preview. As with many Japanese fans he's into both Bolan & Took. He wanted to know if I knew if the whole piece would be on the DVD. I informed him that I'd been told at the Press Preview the whole piece would be in! We both agreed that would be a highlight! :-)
Kiyohiro introduced me to the photographer Sukita & kindly translated a little of what I excitedly said as I pointed to the pages of Sukita's book containing photographs of 'The Tree Site' before TAG was granted the lease. It was a great honour to meet both Kiyohiro & Sukita. As you can see Kiyohiro was keen to make sure Sukita's book was 'in-shot'.
Kiyohiro also told me that this was his first visit to London since 2002 & that he had been able to visit Barnes to see the Bronze. :-) He reminded me that he had the TAG 'There Was A Time - Live at Middle Earth - 23rd September 1967' CD. Information on the CD can be found HERE. Due to his interest in Tookie I inquired if he had Took's new album "Blow It!!!" to which he replied, "But of course!" :-)
After a time, some of the people left & there was a little more 'breathing room', although as you can imagine Gloria was very popular because she is so infrequently in the country.
Sandy Feld introduced me to Gloria, who was really pleased to see me. Glo hugged me & thanked me for all the work TAG has done at the site. Gloria visited the Tree Site for the first time along with Rolan in 2003 while filming the 'Marc's Missing Millions' Programme. I'd been passed a message of "thanks" from Gloria, but sitting next to Glo, with her 'beaming' as she told me herself really meant a LOT to me as it did to Kev when I got home & told him :-)
Sandy took a photo of Gloria & Myself which was lovely of her :-) . Many Thanks. Gloria was really enjoying herself & it was a pleasure to be able to share in that.
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 | We've had praise from locals & fans for the work at the Tree Site, but it is very special to know that in addition to the thanks from Gloria, Sandy said our work was "Much Appreciated by the Family"; Harry thought the Bronze Bust cast from Jean's Sculpture was a "A Beautiful Image" & that Rolan thanked us for a "Wonderful Day". I think everyone at the unveiling had a wonderful day (although I was 'stressed' in the way anyone organising something of this importance always is!).
See Images & Video of Rolan Bolan Unveiling TAG's Bronze Bust of his father for the 25th Anniversary of Marc Bolan in 2002 Here. View the Guest Book entries mentioned above Here.
Gloria & Bill we obviously very pleased to see each other as you can see as they posed for my Pic!
Now that it was quieter I had time to chat to Dougal and Bill. Dougal recounted how he'd written to Bill and how some time later the 'phone had rung and a man's voice asked to speak to him. Dougal said he assumed it was 'tele-sales' & was then knocked out as the voice said "This is Bill Legend".
I knew EXACTLY what he meant - I had the same experience when I found myself talking to June Bolan on the 'phone. This is recounted in the Meeting June page.
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Dougal Mused that if he'd been told as a fan in the early 70's that in 2005 he'd be at the VIP Screening & after-screening party with Bill Legend - he'd have never believed it! I understood perfectly! Kev has said many times, as he looked at the the photo of my little motorbike parked by The Tree in 1978, that I'd have never have believed as I sat for hours listening to Tyrannosaurus Rex on the cassette player you can see in that photo, that by 2000 I'd have formed TAG to care for the site & Save the Tree from Certain Felling, & after proving to be sensible, reliable people we would be given a lease on the land & ownership of the Tree itself! - No, I don't think I'd have believed that - Not Back Then!!
 A little while later a friend of Rolan's was taking a 'family group' shot of Rolan, his stunning girlfriend, Gloria & Rolan's Guitarist Vinny, so I decided to take a photo too.
As soon as the photo was taken Gloria literally dragged me over & insisted that I have a photo taken with them. So my camera was hastily given to the lady from 'Zinc Alloy MC' whose name I've forgotten (Sorry!).
As I sat down Gloria grabbed my hand as you can see from the photo.It was a very special moment for me. Many Tanx Gloria :-)
The photo on the left was taken by Richard Shakespeare & appears with a larger version on the Rolan Bolan Support Club Web Site.
I took the 'Press Preview' booklet I received in February to the VIP Party. I was so busy taking photos and chatting I didn't get as many people to sign it as I could have. View a larger version of this image Here
Laser Love

SEE THE PHOTOS of The VIP Preview Screening of Born to Boogie & 'White Ticket Holders' Post-Screening Party HERE

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