Chapter One - Early Years
Chapter Two - Tyrannosaurus Rex
'It's So Naughty to Pretend' - David Mantell's Tyrannosaurus Rex Essay - The only History of Tyrannosaurus Rex recommended by Simon Napier-Bell! (and he should know) :-)
Chapter Three - T-Rex - The Golden Years
Chapter Four - T-Rex - The Later Years
2002 Telegraph 'Biography' Article. We are including the full transcript of this 25th Anniversary article written for the Telegraph Newspaper because it is a useful resource for anyone wanting to get a summary biography.
This is a Biography written during Marc Bolan's life-time. It is interesting to compare this book with those written many years after Marc Bolan died. Some information included here seems to have got 'lost' over the years, while the very fact that it was written with Marc Bolan in the present tense is a little 'spooky' at times.
PART ONE - Chapters One to Five
PART TWO - Chapters Six to Eight, plus all the image pages.
A listing of Marc Bolan and T-Rex related RIP's.
There are a lot of biographies out there written by a range of authors, from Bolan Fans, to more impartial authors. We are recommending two books. Please Note: We do not get a commission from recommending these books. Both books are available as Hard Copies or on Kindle.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BOOK Ride a White Swan: The Lives and Death of Marc Bolan by Lesley - Ann Jones
From mod folk artist to flower power pixie elfin to the king of glam rockers, Marc Bolan was the ultimate chameleon. His far-reaching musical and stylistic influence is more relevant today than ever with hits such as 'Ride A White Swan', 'Children Of The Revolution', 'Get It On' and 'Hot Love' as fresh and exhilarating as when first released. At the peak of his popularity during his lifetime Bolan was outselling Jimi Hendrix and The Who, and yet relatively little is really known about the hypnotic, enigmatic 20th century boy turned 21st century icon. At last, in the 35th anniversary year of his tragic death, Marc Bolan represents the definite biography. Here rock biographer, Lesley-Ann Jones, paints a meticulous portrait of the T-Rex front man. From his childhood growing up in Hackney to his untimely death at the age of 29, Bolan's life was one of relentless experimentation and metamorphoses. Hallucinogenic drugs, wizardry and levitation, alcoholism, tax evasion and a spectacular fall from grace were to punctuate his short life, as he continued to strive to reinvent himself and his music over and over again. Lesley-Ann has been granted access to those who knew Bolan best, including his partner and the mother of his only son, Gloria Jones and his brother, Harry Feld. TAG's own Fee Warner was also interviewed for this book.
Available on Amazon.co.uk :: Available on Amazon.com
RECOMMENDED BOOK Marc Bolan: The Rise And Fall Of A 20th Century Superstar by Mark Paytress
Marc Bolan was the very first superstar of the 1970s. As the seductive focus of T. Rex he revelled in fame and fortune, released a string of classic records before tragically losing his way. The fatal car accident in 1977 cut short his planned comeback as a punk rocker, but also served to fix Bolan as the definitive icon of the Glam years. Bolan's music and chameleonic style were to influence a generation of future bands. In his various guises he could be a beatnik, a mod, a punk, a hippie and a Glam hero. This biography of a pop obsessive draws from interviews with many friends and colleagues including broadcaster John Peel, brother Harry and band members Mickey Finn and Bill Legend.
Available on Amazon.co.uk :: Available on Amazon.com
