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"UK production company 'Masterplan Film Productions Ltd' have secured the film rights to "TWENTIETH CENTURY BOY", a biopic of legendary T.Rex frontman Marc Bolan.

Marc Bolan has gone down in history as a cultural icon whose hit singles, fashion sensibilities and stage presence with T.Rex in the early 1970s helped cultivate the glam rock era. He remains one of the most recognisable stars in British music.

The script has been written by first time scribe Susie Kahlich, who worked closely with Bolan's family to create an accurate and deeply personal potrayal of the legendary star.

"This is a long overdue project and we're really looking forward to finally seeing this get made" says Marc's son, Rolan Bolan.

"We think my dad's story and his music is important not only to older fans, but appeals to a whole new crop of fans across all generations."

Bolan's long time partner, Gloria Jones, feels the time is right for this project. "I see 6-year olds wearing T.Rex T-shirts and dancing to Marc's music. These young fans only go to show you that Marc was a man of great spirit and integrity, and a child at heart that could speak to all generations. We're really excited about this film, because while Marc's story takes place in the past, the man and his music are very relevant to the present."

The script has already been subject to interest from a number of the major studios and has been described by industry insiders as "a beautiful and often surreal trip into the mind of a musical genius". Award winning Welsh film maker Andrew Jones will be producing the project for Masterplan Films. The company reported "We have not started casting the project yet so no one is in place to play Marc as yet!"

  27th January 2010

The only news is that Principal photography isn't set to begin until late this year and will take in a wide range of locations including London, Wales and the USA.


It is obviously welcomed that Gloria and Rolan are involved with the project, but we hope that the importance of Marc's widow June's role in Marc's life and success will not be underplayed in any film which is made. We hope that Susie Kahlich (the first timer script writer) will take this into account and speak to appropriate people for that part of Marc's life.


  22nd February 2009

You may well have heard of this elsewhere. It is still in the working stages. Lee Mead has been approached to play the lead, but it isn't known yet if he will accept. On Lee's mnd at the moment are his Album 'Nothing Else Matters', due for release on 9th March. Obviously promoting the album (and doing some concerts, TV appearances etc to promote his album will no doubt keep him busy for some months, giving him time to decide if he does want the lead in the Marc Bolan Musical, which if it goes ahead in the West End would see Lee return there arter is successful role in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. But it is also possible that Lee may decide to go with a "musical based on the film Roman Holiday." Also, don't expect the musical to be the "Marc Bolan Story" but rather a set of tableau's based on Marc's 'Hits'. Apparently whoever plays 'Marc' there will be some Lyric Changes to Marc's own words???!!! Hmm!
You can read some reviews of Lee as Joseph on the BBC Web Site which includes the line
"Lacking in character and with a tendency to give out towards the end of a line, his voice is not the world's greatest, or even the greatest in the show. But Mead more than fulfils the requirements, with a mop of dark curls, a wholesome, sweet manner, and a way of filling a pleated loincloth that will appeal to all sexes" from the Independent's review by Rhoda Koenig. OK Well that was a good two years ago, so I expect his voice is better and the rest of the renew sounds 'promising'!

  10th March 2009

This article mentions that the musical will be called Twentieth Century Boy
"Andrew Lloyd Webber remains a loyal mentor. "Andrew is great, he and I are going to do a big project together soon. But I can't tell anyone what it is yet." said Mead. On top of this, he is pondering whether to appear in a musical version of the film Roman Holiday, or a take on the life of the late rock star Marc Bolan in a show called Twentieth Century Boy, which is expected to open this year. He is more likely to choose the latter, as he was mauled by theatre folk after a run-through of Roman Holiday. This is a sore subject"
Read the Daily Mail Article Here

  24th March 2009

Thriller Live director Lloyd unveils Marc Bolan musical as his next project
Published Thursday 19 March 2009 at 10:50 by Matthew Hemley
"Thriller Live director Gary Lloyd is turning his attention from Michael Jackson to singer Marc Bolan for his next project - a musical based on the life of the former T-Rex frontman.
Called 20th Century Boy - The Story of Marc Bolan, the musical has been written by record producer Nicky Graham, who has worked with Shirley Bassey and Julio Iglesias, and former music publisher Brian Dunham.
Lloyd, who is to direct and choreograph the production, said Dunham and Graham - who are the show's producers, along with Arden Entertainment - are negotiating investment for the production, which is likely to have a UK tour before coming into the West End early next year. He added that "Lee Mead had expressed an interest in playing Bolan, after attending a workshop of 20th Century Boy last September."
The project has not been given the green light completely yet, so nothing is confirmed, but he came to the workshop and showed an interest - "we shall see," Lloyd said. "Marc Bolan is not an artist I was madly into, but it's a fascinating story and I got hooked very quickly. We developed it together as a team and put together a very strong cast, who performed a successful workshop last year. We are all excited about getting it out there. The music is fantastic, the story is electric and it is going to be quite a big production."
Lloyd admitted the success of Michael Jackson musical Thriller Live would be an advantage in securing a West End run for the project, which he said was very different from other shows he has directed.
"This is different in that it has a book, so directing it will be more about directing actors, which is very exciting for me. Thriller Live was a choreographer's dream, but directing that was not dissimilar to the big concert tours I have put on," he said.
" Read the article here

  27th January 2010

Will it ever happen? Well Lee Mead still hopes so & the latest news is that it has been postponed until Autumn 2010. Currently Lee is appearing in a straight acting role in Oscar Wilde’s Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime, alongside Gary Wilmot and Kate O’Mara at various venues as the play tours the country. However on the 15th January, 2010 The Times UK Newspaper reported "If the straight acting does not pan out, he is in the cosy position of knowing that he can always return to musical theatre. His real challenge might be avoiding the temptation. At one point last year he was going to play the Gregory Peck role in a musical version of Roman Holiday, but pulled out. There is, however, one story that would coax him back. He has high hopes for a long-mooted production based on Marc Bolan’s life entitled Twentieth Century Boy. "I’ve seen some scripts and it’s great. I really hope it can happen. It’s a great life story"" Read the article here