Pay Pal is very like any on-line credit/debit card processing agent. The main difference is that when you enter your credit card details, you 'sign up' & Pay Pal keeps your Credit Card Details securely on file, using industry-leading fraud prevention, (See 'Is Pay Pal safe? below). THE ADVANTAGES TO YOU: 1) The next time you wish to use your credit card through Pay Pal you simply enter your Email address & password. You don't need to go through the rigmarole of typing in your credit/debit card details all over again! You can shop anywhere which accepts Pay Pal: Ebay Auctions & Shops, many other web sites & of course to buy Goodies in the TAG fund Raising Section. 2) THE SECURITY OF PAY PAL'S BUYER PROTECTION: When you use Pay Pal to make a purchase, if you don't receive full satisfaction off us, you can use Pay Pal's Buyer Protection to claim a refund. THE ADVANTAGE TO US: We can accept credit & debit cards without having to pay Set-Up or Annual Fees which would swallow up maybe 50% of the money paid for memberships. Pay Pal only charge us the regular commission, so we keep the bulk of the money you pay.