On March the 22nd (repeated 25th March) 2001 the Digital TV Channel 'BBC Choice' screened one of its series of programmes 'Rock Shrines' and covered Marc Bolan. The BBC Choice Web Site listed it as follows:-
Fans remember the 70s when Marc Bolan made women swoon and men wear eyeliner. Marc's son, Rolan, visits the tree in Barnes where Marc's Mini had its fatal crash. Widescreen.
Although the programme was screened in 2001, it was filmed in 2000 - The first anniversary since TAG laid the steps. The programme began and ended with shots of first the Memorial with the TAG landscaping behind and with a shot of the Tree right at the end. Rolan was shown at the Tree Site climbing the steps and was interviewed on the platform at the top of the steps. He was also shown reading the messages on the notice board.

Video Footage at The Tree Site. is available to members. The images above & below are screen captures from the Video. Subscription £3.00 for a Full Year's Access. (The money is used to pay for server space). Click Here to become a Member. |  |
Of the Tree & Site Rolan said: "It's so cool to see that the fans are taking care of it".

So TAG would just like to say "Thanks Rolan. It was wonderful to see you standing in quiet contemplation on the Steps and using the platform so tha you didn't have to stand on the road."
Ellie Warner (then aged Eleven) said
"I'm very happy to see it as I was there and I helped to do that! I wasn't expecting to see it on TV and it was good to see Rolan on the steps."
One visitor to the site on September 16th 2000 featured on 'Rock Shrines' was long-time Bolan fan Julie Clinton who said:-
"It's very upsetting coming to the tree, but I wanted to come. I just wanted to be with, to put my thoughts with Marc. And to let him know that I still feel a lot of him, and still feel that his presence is still here after 23 years."