1. In June 1999 Fee attended the Liverpool Convention as a founder member of the recently formed T.Rex Action Group with a framed poster of the proposed 'Steps Project'. This poster was freely available for all convention attendees. In addition, TAG had a table with leaflets for people to take with them. Also on the table was TAG's first fund raising item – The Limited Edition, 'Nantes' CD. The reverse of the CD Booklet contained information about TAG's project so that people who bought the CD knew where the money was going. At that Convention one lady approached the TAG member to say that she didn't think the site should be cared for. Everyone else there agreed that it was a worthwhile undertaking.
2. One month later TAG attended the Leicester Convention with informational leaflets and also with a range of fund raising goodies which had been produced by myself and one other TAG member for TAG giving our time free-of-charge. TAG was well received with those there agreeing that the project was a good idea.
3. Of the many letters received at the TAG Order processing centre in Kidderminster I will quote from one received from a Suzi, a German fan.
"The idea of making wooden steps between the memorial and tree is the best thing since sliced bread. Walking or actually climbing down from the tree to memorial wasn't so easy. "Don't crush my hand" was my friend's response when I took her hand for help. I think the most unsafe objects are the car drivers 'cos we went to the tree twice and every time we nearly caused an accident. "
It was feedback liked this which helped TAG to improve our project plans to include a platform around the Tree at the top of the steps. For the first time fan have the opportunity to stand within the crash barrier to view the tree and not risk injury from the passing cars by having to stand on the busy, narrow road.
4. On September 16th TAG had a table at the London Bop and TAG members sold 'goodies' as well as
chatting to people about the project. Before the London Bop Fee was on the 'Bolan coach tour' and handed out a specially
prepared A5 card covered booklet containing information on the project to all 52 people on the coach.
5. Two weeks later at the Birmingham Convention TAG had a table to sell the fund raising goodies and also, at the suggestion of the Bop organiser, Michael Green TAG held a fund raising auction. The auctioneer for that event was Terry Hughes. All the items for this auction were donated by well wishing fans and my friends and associates of Marc Bolan including the photographer Peter Sanders, the artist George Underwood and T.Rextasy. Sadly the donation by Tony Visconti arrived two days after the auction and was unable to be sold. TAG members also donated items to the auction including two previously unpublished negatives, contact prints and enlargements. 100% of the sale price of all items went straight to TAG funds. The items, which fetched the most at this auction, were the two unpublished negatives, which raised over £300 for TAG funds. In addition to those present at the auction TAG also received e-mail bids world-wide.
6. TAG also sent Harry Feld a copy of the project details. Harry telephoned TAG and said that he approved of the project and felt that knew Marc would have liked the idea of caring for the little piece of nature in the middle of London. He was also happy that TAG was leasing the land.
7. During the course of these events TAG also contacted
The Residents of Gipsy Lane, Richmond Council, Barnes Community Association, The Performing Rights Society Railtrack. |
Initially TAG had intended to place benches at the bottom of the steps but after listening to the views and concerns of the other interested parties TAG withdrew the benches from the plans. All those consulted said that they were happy with TAG's project plans.
8. Upon reading TAG's proposals Railtrack, quite unexpectedly offered TAG a lease on the land.
9. In addition to attending Bolan related events such as conventions and coach trips to make as many people aware of the project and to get feed-back, TAG also used this web site and the web master produced pages using photographs taken specifically and text notifying visitors of the state of the Tree and of project information. When the 'State of the Tree' page was produced over 400 people visited it within one month.
10. T.rextasy very kindly distributed over 650 leaflets with their newsletter. This gave details of the project and of the 'Fund Raising Goodies'. They also forwarded on proposals to Rolan Bolan as did Natalie McDonald and Rolan has personally been in communication with TAG since that time. He was happy with the project and certainly did not voice any objections to either the project or TAG leasing the land.
11. TAG also set up a 'The Tree' mailing list with a prominent link from the TAG site to discuss the project and Tree in particular. The members of this list were asked to vote on the calliper proposals, which received a unanimous vote in favour.
At every stage of the project TAG did our very best to find out the opinions of as many people as possible.