Throughout the years, fans from around the globe have visited the site, paid their respects and left tributes to their lost idol, as can be seen in this early photo left.
Although Fee married, became a mum and gained a First Class Honours Degree she continued to visit Barnes often. Her son Rohan Marc's first visit there was at the tender age of nine months. Fee routinely tidied the site of the accumulated rubbish and she kept an eye on the condition of 'The Tree' which stands on land owned by 'British Rail', later 'Rail Track'.
Over the years, The Tree was pruned.
During this time, the second of the two trunks (clearly seen in the photo on the left) was felled (as can be seen in the image on the right).
How it was disposed of Bolan Fans never knew. We were never consulted.
The Tree (Marc's Tree) was in the hands of 'A Corporation' so that to them it was just a tree, like any other tree & was not considered to be Special!
TAG was founded in April 1999 by Fee Warner, who became a Bolan fan in 1970. TAG is committed to the long-term care & improvement of Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine in Barnes, London and the care of 'The Bolan Tree'. TAG contain dedicated, qualified committed people who are capable of caring for the land and Tree. All this backed up with the knowledge of the TAG founder who has been visiting the site since Septmber 24th 1977 and has not only kept a close eye on the state of the Tree, but who also routinely tidied the site upon each visit. TAG was formed to do the Steps Project which we have now completed. To care for the Tree site on a long term basis. So that hopefully the site will never again be described as 'more like a shit-hole than a shrine' as it was in 1995 in the 'Bike Magazine' article and to do a project which benefits as many people as possible and not any specific small group. |