| WELCOME TO THE LATEST FREE SITE UPDATE We hope to be able to do that for the next update in May, though it does depend on how much time we have to spend on sorting out what needs to be done for the Bolan Tree, as we want to include new photos of the Bolan Tree. |
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Many parts of the UK will experience FROSTS at the end of this week.
Please protect your rose bushes with Universal fleece blanket. You can find these in many garden centres, and also Pound Shops too. The Rose Grower, nor TAG are responsible for frost damage to your rose bushes. Keep an eye you for the next month for Frost Warmings as we may have frost in May too. |
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 | MARC'S SHRINE - THE BOLAN TREE AND THE BAD NEWS We have converted the photos of our discoveries when we visited Marc's Shrine on the 24th February, 2014 included in the Members March Newsletter, into a normal web page as we didn't want it to get lost in the PDF Newsletter Archive and also because we wanted non-members to be able to see these important photos. Therefore the photos of the 'BAD NEWS' can now be viewed with written details ...HERE. We will have news on what will be done to the Bolan Tree soon.  |
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 | MARC'S SHRINE NEW PHOTO GALLERY As her writing course has been taking Fee into London weekly, she once again visited Marc's Shrine on the 10th April 2014. While she was there two fans arrived. They were from Mexico. Fee says "Roxanne - If you or your brother Dante read this, it was wonderful to meet you. Laser Love to you in Mexico!" You will find a Photo gallery HERE. As you can see, The Bolan Tree is now in a poor way and we expect to give you definitive news on what needs to be done as soon as we can. 
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 | MARC'S SHRINE VIDEOS The last update told you that the videos had been added to You Tube as we had not had time to add them to our web site, especially as this needed the creation of a new 2014 page and player. We are pleased to let you know that the videos are now online to watch HERE |
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Peter sent us a copy of his album to review and we're pleased to say that it wasn't in the slightest bit painful to do. By that we mean that it isn't the sort of album where the initial feeling is "how do we break this to the artist that we don't like it?" Fortunately, we liked the album so all is good! As Peter says himself "unsurprisingly, it has quite a strong Bolan influence in places". Yes this is true. The first track on the album Electric Boogie has the strongest 'Bolan Effect'. There's a hint of Alice Cooper in there too! Peter also says "No covers I'm afraid". Oh don't apologise for that Peter. Original material is far better than a cover of a Bolan song. The best person to sing Bolan on a recording is BOLAN! :-)
You can download the album through ITunes, Amazon, etc so Peter tells us, though probably the best way is to order a Limited Edition CD pressing of just 500 promotional copies which are available via the following Email address only:- jupiterdiamond@sky.com Peter concludes his letter to us by saying that the album was finished/mixed and mastered at a studio in Hove. He says "It's a small world" given that we are based in Hove. Oh, it's even smaller than that Peter. The studio you used was the one used for the MOAB Album Insect Brain which features Ron Tree (Hawkwind), the late Rick Welsh (Nik (Hawkwind) Turner's Allstars) and the late Trevor Thoms of Steve Took's Horns. Chris Daniels at the Studio is an incredibly talented chap who we would recommend to everyone wanting a First Class Job done! Buy / Preview via www.7digital.com Or via https://play.spotify.com
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 | MARC BOLAN ROSE BUSHES We are sorry we have only just received the following information. If you bought rose bushes do download this PDF, which will open in a new window/tab and keep for reference ... DOWNLOAD THE ROSE CARE PDF HERE
Please do remember, our rose bushes (photographed) were delivered to us in November, 2013. They have been in our greenhouse in South East England, so ours are far more advanced that most peoples' will be for a number of reasons:-
1) The Rose Bushes have been grown in Aberdeen. It has been significantly colder there than in southern England (for example - where we are) so they remain in the 'dormant' stage for longer than more southernly locations. This is good, because it slows the growth down to keep them in a close to the dormant stage so they can be 'lifted' and posted to you. The Rose Bushes were kept as dormant as possible from November until now, if they had not already been dispatched.
2) Ours were in the first batch to be sent out so as soon as they were away from the cold growing beds of Aberdeen, they were able to grow more quickly than those which were not dispatched to customers until a up to four months later.
3) Our Roses have spent 5 months growing in a greenhouse which means they have been able to grow more quickly.
4) Our Rose Bushes are not only in a Green House which gets the sun for most of the day* we live in the South East of England which is far warmer than many parts of the UK/Europe, so ours have been growing super-fast. * Sometimes the green house gets so warm by around 11:00 am to noon, we have to open the vents &, windows to let the heat out, because warmth is good. BUT when the temperature gets over 40 degrees C, that is TOO Warm!
Ours are now out of the greenhouse, partly for this reason, and partly because here it is warm enough, though people in the UK areas should still watch out for ground frosts which will knock your rose bush back by freeze-drying the buds, unless you wrap them overnight with some plant wrap, or one of those insulating bags. Care should be taken when doing this so you don't damage the buds. And they should be put on at night and taken off in the morning when the risk of frost has passed. |
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 | THAT'S ALL FOR THIS UPDATE The next update will depend on the time spent with sorting out what we need to do with the Bolan Tree, and how much time that takes up, not only physically being at the site, but also contacting and liasing with various authorities, the tree surgeon, etc. KALMIYH Written by Kevin Warner (TAG Chairman), typed and html'ed by TAG Secretary Fee Warner. |
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