The Members Site has also been updated as it was in February as well as January. For all the updates, including our fantastic pdf Newsletters which is a wonderful way to make sure our updates can be archived nicely and can of course be printed off should you wish. All members receive a News Bulletin whenever the site is updated, so why not Join The Club now. |
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 | MARC'S SHRINE ON BING MAPS These are images from Bing Maps which like Google maps allow you to 'walk' around places in the world. These images are included in the new 33 page Members pdf Newsletter (Issue 007), but are also available to non-members Here. |
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 | MARC'S SHRINE PHOTOS AND VIDEO We haven't had time to include photos from our visits to Marc's Shrine this year, but should be able to include them with our next update. |
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 | MARC'S SHRINE IN 1991 These photos were shared with us on our Facebook page. It is Marc's Shrine in 1991 and we felt sure you'd be interested to see how it looked back then. Many Tanx to one of our wonderful German Members - Gudrun Heckl See Gudrun's Photos Here |
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 | MARC'S SHRINE AND TAG IN THE GUARDIAN UK NEWSPAPER FRIDAY 25th JANUARY, 2013 This is included in the Members Newsletter Issue 007, but for the benefit of free site visitors here is the link and text to this guardian article from Friday 25th January, 2013. If you notice Marc is the only Rock Star included from the UK. No mention of Freddie Mercury, Jimi Hendrix of others ... just Marc. Nicely written by someone who is clearly up-to-date. Nice to see links included to our own site here and also to our Face Book Page:- https://www.facebook.com/MARC.BOLANS.SHRINE page too.
"Marc Bolan's Rock Shrine, Barnes, London
The creator of glam rock tragically met his end in 1977 aged 29 when his car hit a tree on Gipsy Lane at the side of Queen's Ride. Now a site of pilgrimage for thousands of fans, the "Bolan tree" and Rock Shrine, which features a bronze bust of the star, unveiled by his son Rolan Bolan in 2002, attracts most fans on the anniversary of his death on 16 September, when they can sign the official Marc Bolan Shrine Visitor's Book.
The tree is now safeguarded by the T-Rex Action Group which became legal guardian of the shrine, runs a web fanzine and recently created a Marc Bolan rose, in flamboyant cerise, to be available for sale this year."
Visit the Original Guardian Page using this link:- http://www.guardian.co.uk |
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Many members won't know that this web site was formed in 2000 as an amalgamation of three web sites:-
1) Fee's own Marc Bolan & T.Rex Web Site founded in 1996. This contained an illustrated Biography, Articles, Photos and listings and reviews of events and had a Black, Grey, and White colour scheme.
2) The original TAG web Site established in 1999 with a Black, White and Red colour scheme, was dedicated specifically to TAG's project to build steps at Marc's Shrine and to Save The Tree.
3) The Official Marc Bolan Fan Club Web Site (1999 - May 2000). The colour scheme Fee chose for the OMBFC Web Site is the Blue, Red and White one you see here now. In 1999 Fee was approached to design a web site for www.Marc-Bolan.com. When the domain was sold in May 2000, the entire site which was Fee's work was removed and the back-bone of that site was merged with the other two web sites to form the TAG Marc Bolan Web Site, which at that time was entirely free.
The TAG Members Site As the web site grew and more videos and mp3's were added to the site the cost of paying for the domain names, server space and ever increasing band width became prohibitive to maintain as a free site with all the fees being paid out of Kevin and Fee's own pocket. That is when the site was split so that TAG can maintain the free site while being able to expand the Members Site to include more Videos, More Photo Galleries and well, more of everything. New for 2013 is the addition of a pdf archive of out of print fanzines and other things of interest and for February the new addition is the original hand typed 1979 edition of The Marc Bolan Biography written by Paul Sinclair (Rowland). In March the reprinted typeset version of Paul's Book will be included.
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 | THE MARC BOLAN ROSE We have been asked how the project is going and to date there is no further news. Obviously at the moment everything is still 'sleeping' but we look forward to bringing you more news as soon as we can. Naturally, Members will be notified first. If you havbe missed anything you can catch up on the main MARC BOLAN Rose page and you can still but one of our wonderful Limited Edition Wall Plaques which will give you preferential allocation of Rose Bushes as soon as they go on sale :-) |
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